***HOTT Pick of the Week!

***HOTT Fitness Music Downloads***

Spice up your workouts with Ultimate Reggaeton Mix! Great for rocking that Zumba! Get it pumped!!

Get It Here

Total Workout Euro Club Hits
30 Minute Non Stop Fitness Mix

Tone & Sculpt Hip Hop
(Continuous Mix)


Modern Belly Dancing Music

You may already have an idea about what belly dancing music is and what it is not. Maybe you have formed mental images of the Pyramids or the sun setting in an Egyptian sky. The music that you imagine is usually of a typical sound. But you might be surprised to find that the techno beats of modern music are a wonderful variation on the traditional music.

The Mix of Styles

The music used today is a mix of different styles. They are as different as the many varieties of dance movements used in belly dancing. The pop music that is popular in Egypt has become an influence in the music that is used today in the dance. Latin and Saudi influences have also made their way into the music that is heard today.

When you are choosing the music for your routine you should select something that will inspire you to dance. It should be a unique mix that expresses your personal tastes and accents the movements you are performing. There are some people that feel more comfortable with the music of Egypt because of its tradition and unique flavor.

If you have never heard Show Me by Ofra Haza you might well take a listen and see if it fits with your dance routine. It is a mix of the pop music of the Middle East combined with Saudi, and Beladi. When you hear this music you will immediately think of belly dancing.

It is the same as listening to music in a nightclub. The music is designed to inspire people to dance. The same can be said of belly dancing music. The music may be something that you have never heard before, but you will no doubt feel the urge to get up and dance when it is played.

Traditional music is heavily inspired by oriental music. It is full of spontaneous sounds and will get you up on your feet when you listen. When a dancer is dancing to this spontaneous music they may find that their movements will change as they are inspired by the music. This is a spectacular performance. Too many belly dancing routines are heavily choreographed and have lost much of the spontaneity of the dance.

Many of the routines used today are directly influenced by the new modern music. This music has changed the way it is performed. It is an ever evolving art form that has taken a giant step into modern times.

Paul J Eastwood